Promise Bible Compact Large Print


La edicion Compacta de nuestra serie de Biblias de Promesas combina las ventajas de nuestra Biblia de letra gigante y de nuestra Biblia de tamao manual en un tamao mas compacto.

Perfecta para llevarla en un bolso o maletin dondequiera que vaya. Esta edicion renovada completamente, incluye nueva tipografia, palabras de Jesus en rojo y un diseo mas elegante y delgado.

Disponible en nuevos diseos y colores.

The Compact edition of our Promise Bible series combines the benefits of a Large Print and our Manual Size Bible in a more compact size. Perfect to carry in a purse, briefcase, or backpack wherever you go. This new edition is improved by a completely renewed typesetting, easy to read larger font, the words of Jesus in red, and a thinner and lighter design. Available in all new designs and colors.


SKU (ISBN): 9780789926036
ISBN10: 0789926032
Translation: Reina Valera – 1960 (RVR)
Language: Spanish
Colors: Blue and Brown
Binding: Duo-Tone
Words of Jesus Christ in Red Letters
Published: December 2021
Publisher: Editorial Unilit


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